Our active meeting time is September thru May, but new Scouts are welcome to join any time of year. You can fill out an online application here: https://my.scouting.org/VES/OnlineReg/1.0.0/?tu=UF-MB-101paa0535
When you join online, you'll be prompted to pay the BSA National Fees to have your child a registered member of BSA through February of the following calendar year. You will have to pay this fee each year to keep your child registered with the BSA national organization. This fee amount changes each year.
Each Scout year we collect an $85 Pack Fee to cover our local costs, including Pack events, youth awards, & leadership registration. This amount includes a Class B t-shirt for your child if your dues are paid before the fall deadline each year. Your den leader may also ask for a small den fee or occasional donations for the cost of crafts/activities during the weekly den meetings.
See the Pack Committee Chair or Treasurer for more information on fundraising opportunities or financial assistance.